The Telephone Call
Hi Sweetie,
Remember when back in the spring we had that talk about how sometimes people cry when they are happy. We sat on the foot of my bed, after I ‘found’ you from ‘hide and seek’. My eyes had filled with tears because I was so happy to see you so happy. You told me you knew about ‘happy crying’ because sometimes your teacher, Mrs. Giles, cried when she gave you back some papers you had done and she would say, "good job, Faith"
It’s a good thing we talked about ‘happy crying’ because right after that talk, I went to your Open House at school and it happened again. I was sitting beside your desk and you were showing me the papers you had finished in school. Before I could really look at them you were flipping another one and I told you I really did not have time to finish looking at it, you said "that’s o.k". Finally, you got to the last item and you told me "I wrote a book, Nana." You showed me the little book, carefully decorated and printed, and explained what goes on the cover, the title and the authors name, (your name) and you pointed out all the following pages until you got to the dedication page. I looked at your hand wriitng to read that you had dedicated your first book to me. My eyes filled with tears from the sheer joy and wonder of it. I hope, maybe, you didn’t notice.
Faith darling, you filled my life with joy and gladness. Your giggle and happy chatter always preceded your arrival at my back door. Your voice was a delight to my ears, so joyful, clear, high pitched like a tinkling bell. You cannot know that when your after school telephone calls to me from your bedroom ceased, how much I missed them. You didn’t want to hang up first and neither did I, so we had our own way to hang up at the same time. I would count to three, give you a big noisy smooch and tell you I loved you and we were to hang up together. Sometimes I think you hesitated a bit on purpose so I would hang up first, but never mind Sweeheart, we had fun.
Lots of fun at the Robin Hood School playground, with our little picnic snack, on a blanket under the trees, sometimes at the big playground in the square, with the big slide you just had to try. I’d catch you at the bottom, glad to have you safe and sound again. Didn’t we also have a good time at Walgreen’s when it opened up. I think we went there about every other time you came to my house. You were so excited to choose and rechoose the items you wanted. You accepted cheerfully a limit on the number of goodies you could select from little books, markers and stickers, to Easter, Halloween and Christmas trinkets or Pooh Bear and Eyore characters. I’ll bet they're still somewhere in your room.
You loved your room, loved to show it to visitors. The neatest kids room I ever saw. Everything was stored in boxes and baskets. You knew where everything was. So many beanie baby animals. Stuffed animals and animal books everywhere. You couldn’t wait till you got your own real kitty. You bargained with Mom and Dad that on your 7th birthday all you wanted was a kitty and the deal was struck. However, it seems to me that "Duke", a little blonde tiger kitty, came into your life sometime before your birthday. It seems that no one was able to wait. Duke was like your shadow, always sitting beside you or on you. You even shared your "snicky" blanket with him. Who knew a kitty would love a "snicky" blanket. Eric and Dad picked out a super kitty for you.
You were the most joyous, bubbly, delightful, light hearted, beautiful little treasure God ever made. I am going to miss you dreadfully. I can almost hear you say "Oh man, Nana!" in response to all this ‘gushy’ stuff I’m saying about you.
Dearest Faith, I guess we have to hang up now. One, two. three, Smooch, I love you, Sweetie. Good-bye.
Oh Faith, you hung up first.